Play in Savannah
Save the dates for an eventful end of year at La Place de Gros Bois!
18 Nov 2022
The end of the year is drawing near, together with the summer weather, making us want to party, relax and spend quality time with friends and family. And, to help us fulfil these wishes, La Place de Gros Bois is presenting its calendar of events packed with celebrations, for the next two months.
La Place de Gros Bois, the ultimate meeting place for Savannah’s residents and South-islanders in general, is getting ready to end this year on a high note, with a series of events for all.
Whether you enjoy catching up in a warm and welcoming setting with music in the background; tasting Gin after work; plucking lychees; buying handicrafts…or if you are interested in psychology, there will definitely be an event tailored for you.
Get ready to mark your calendars! Here are 5 dates to save:
The following events are open to all those who wish to indulge in Savannah’s unique lifestyle, at the heart of the Smart Village’s favourite place of encounter…
November 30th
Conference by Astrid Tixier

Astrid Tixier is a member of Mauritius’ Société des Professionnels en Psychologie, and the Resource Psychologist for the Pedostop NGO. During this public event, taking place in the evening, she will talk about sexual violence against children.
Why should we talk about it?
How to talk about it?
How can we protect them?
For more information and to book a seat, please call on 5250 1099. The cost is Rs 300 per person or Rs 500 for a couple.
December 2nd
Shopping & ‘Artpéro’

An exciting day ahead with two consecutive events!
From 10.30 a.m to 6 p.m, the decoration specialist AJ Déco will be at La Place de Gros Bois to showcase and sell their soft, colourful and cosy cushions and plaids. The Bikini Bar will also be present to allow you to boost your creativity and create your own swimsuit. These could be the ideal Christmas gifts to help you start filling Santa’s sack!
Then, as from 7 p.m, home decoration will be replaced by…Gin! Grays, producer, importer and distributor of wines and spirits, will take over to offer a discovery of their products through a Gin bar, accompanied by live music. Info and reservations on 630 1329 or [email protected]
December 17th
Christmas Market & festive season

The season’s festive spirit will culminate in an event filled with the magic of Christmas.
From 10 a.m to 7 p.m, twelve stalls covered with exquisite products such as swimsuits, decoration, recycled materials, tapas, Christmas cakes, leather sandals, fresh fruits and vegetables, will be set up around La Place de Gros Bois. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and gather your loved ones for a photo break in front of the bright Christmas tree that will embellish La Place as from the 1st of December!
To top it off, Santa’s elves are busy working on an inclusive Christmas event to support an association, at La Place de Gros Bois.
…while some of the gatherings are exclusively organised by and for the residents of Gros Bois
November 18th
Neighbours’ Party

All the residents lend a hand in organising their awaited yearly rendez-vous that is finally coming back after two years: bring and share, music, lights, bonfire… They all get together around the chimneys during a fun-filled afternoon and evening.
The children have a good time all over La Place, the pleasant atmosphere is rocked by the sound of people catching up after a while, lively discussions, laughter, games. It is a time for neighbours to make memories together.
December 10th

What a treat it is to spend a Saturday afternoon in the lychee orchard!
The young residents, accompanied by their parents, gather for a walk in the shade of the lychee trees, with their bag in hand to be filled with juicy fruits all afternnon.
After having savoured dozens of lychees throughout the walk, the joyful plucking session ends with a get together at La Place de Gros Bois.
So, whether you live two steps away or on the other side of the island, Savannah Connected Countryside is looking forward to welcome you soon for one of the events at La Place de Gros Bois, its quaint place of convergence, surrounded by its wild and lush scenery, cradled by Mauritius’ soft summer breeze.